Chosen and marked by his love.

04 April 2008


What am I supposed to write about the environment?The only thing i can think about is global warming.

But!!I take history!I know NOTHING about global warming.Except that it is causing the glaciers to melt and possibly drown the world.=/

If I can think about this without even really thinking.Then I bet everyone is writing this too right?

O man.I need some ideas.Nobody knows nuts about environment.

Even if i do research about it, then it would be some super boring and scientific essay.

Blahs..Alright, think think think!But I'm writing an expository.

I can't write a narrative or a recount..I haven't been through a tsunami nor an earthquake you know.

My personal experience with the environment is breathing in the air everyday and cursing the hot sun, praying for rain.Is that interesting?

Maybe something interesting might come out of that.Alright think think think..


I need to daydream.=)

It is scientifically proven the stuff that you daydream about are the more creative then when you actually for think hard about it.=)


Can you believe it?
3 tests is absolutely horrid!
Social studies, chemistry and chinese.
If anyone becomes a bio-chemist or some sort in future.
Please invent some medicine that will restore brain cells instantaneously and speeds up your studying ability.=))))
You'll definitely get the Noble Prize!xD
There isn't anything about school that is particularly interesting nowadays.=/
The only lessons I look forward to are History, Chinese and Bio cause they are fun and I love it.=)

But there are more subjects and I totally just wanna sleep.

It seems like everyday i have to wait until 11pm before i can sleep lor.I just can't get my ass to my bed when is 10pm.

Is it some disorder or what?

Guess what?

Next morning, I'll be tired.

In those really boring lessons I'll feel damnnnn sleepy.xD [for example ss.]

Blahs..Why must we study SS???=(


There hasn't been any Dare nor Dare group this 2 weeks and I feel so no life and boring.=(

BUT!There's DARE tomorrow!YIPPEE!

Means more pictures to come and many more things to blog about.Hehes.=)



Mrs. Tang made us write a compo about marriage yesterday and i only got 19/30.Blahs.

In Mrs.Tang's standards.20 is considered good already but when you see 1+ you just feel lousy right?

Actually, I wanted to write about what my husband will be like.But i wrote about what breaks up a marriage instead.

So I write about my husband here.=)

I wan a tall, dark and handsome husband.Super caring and will buy me lots of Winnie the Poohs.xDDD I want a VERY ROMANTIC AND FAIRYTALE MARRIAGE.=) I want to get married by the Sea of Galilee where the waters are really clear blue and the perfect place for romance.=) I wanna go to Paris for my Honeymoon!=) Hopefully my husband might get a job in Japan and I'll be able to migrate there!YIPPEE!!

Very vague.But that about sums up what I want.=)





Going for ballet now.Last few lessons to perfect the dance and weeeee!

15th April here i come!=)


Dance till the morning breaks.


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