Chosen and marked by his love.

26 February 2009

I love Pooh.

I'm not being random.

Because Pooh always says, "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."

Since I love Pooh so much, I'm trying to put this into good use.

The memories always make me smile of course.

But I can't seem to get as high as I was in the past, having mood swings all the time.

I'll laugh for around 10 minutes and feel as if I'm drained of energy and get moody again.


If he's meant to be Mr. Right, he'll be. =)

Anyway, I'm going back to ballet!

[Because I stopped for 'O' Levels, going back for Advanced now?]

P/s: Suck it up bitch, so what if you have a higher grade than me. Just go kiss your own ass. Whether you dance well or not, it is for people to see and yourself to know, you don't have to show it off to the whole world. What's more, I have NEVER spoken to you before, so just what is your fucking problem by having to go around tell everyone that you're better? You want people to know that you dance better? Fine take it. As if talking about it you'll get better. Oh crap you just suck. BITCH


I have already come so far, so I should finish the whole thing right?

I'm not sure if I'm going to use my ballet certs though.

I can erm.. Be a ballet teacher in future? I'd love that and so would my parents, but I also want to go into R&D!

That's why I'm going Biotechnology right?

As I have said for many times, I wanna do research on diseases!

Sounds fun man.

I'll find the cure to cancer! AMEN!xD


I was thinking I could teach part-time Ballet and study at the same time.

Sounds great?! YES!

Alright I'll see about it.



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