Chosen and marked by his love.

28 May 2009

Oh man! There are so many quizzes and tests and I haven't done my tutorials and homework and revision! This sucks!

There is like not enough time for studies and CA1 is next week. Plus I only have 2 weeks to study for MST due to one week away in Malacca for History Makers Camp 7!

It's okay, I shall trust that Jesus will multiply my time and I will do well with GPA score of 4 Amen!

Thursday is like the most tiring day of the week because we basically have lectures and more lectures for the whole day and you really must have a lot of concentration! If not you'll lose focus and not do well. =/

1. RWP Assignment
2. Math Tutorial 7 & 8
3. I & OC Revision exercises
4. BMIC notes and revision
5. Cell Biology Revision [TEST NEXT WEEK! 4 chapters la!]
6. IDEA project

Fantastic.. I have 6 modules this semester and I have 6 modules worth of work to do.

Yes Jesus I need help. =D

School tomorrow and I love my awesome classmates! Turns out our class and our buddy class are considered very close after I heard about everyone else's classes. We know most of the people in our buddy class and actually say can talk and joke and lump around together. HAHA!

Random thought but it's true and thank God for that. AWESOMENESS! =D

Yess yess Cell Biology is calling me to it now.. Byes!



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