Chosen and marked by his love.

05 July 2008

Demented yes

Heard from Ling that there's this crazy guy who can "predict the future" by dreaming of them and apparently he has predicted a few disasters.

I suppose he's really crazy and has really nothing better to do.

If you really can predict the future disasters, then won't your dreams be haunted with dead bodies everyday?

Isn't every night simply a nightmare to you?

If yes, you want to predict the future, do the world some good by predicting good stuff will you?

Everyone is already spooked enough about the "world coming to an end" shit and this guy, comes up with a list, my God A LIST of disasters that will happen in near future.

Everyone would freak out and die not in disasters but of fear isn't it?

In fact, most of the time, some things that are predicted don't happen, until you actually BELIEVE them, then it happens.

Whats that called?

The power of the mind?

Sounds very cliche.

But its true.

If nobody believed the man's predictions, would it have happened?

Well probably yes probably no.

But, practically everyone believes him now.So what happens?

Probably all the disastrous things are happening due to the immense support he has?

Well, annoint yourself then, that's the best thing to do.=)


Esplanade is indeed a very nice place to study at!=)

Went there with Ling after DARE and I think I really got in my Physics stuff!


Imma happy girl!=)

Monday will be studying with Ling again.=)

Yay Dar is going to get me the new pooh that came out!

That makes me an extra happy girl!=)


That ends it off.


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